Thanks to the general lack of particularly adventurous things going on in my life lately, I haven't been writing in this blog. However, since a few strange rumors as to my whereabouts have been circulating (mostly misconceptions that I've already left for Spain), and some of you have taken to bothering my mother about it, I felt it necessary to clear this up:
I am still in the United States, at Camp Wawona. That's Yosemite, in California. I've been here since I got back from Greece, and I have been cooking, cleaning, and otherwise making merry here. Mostly cooking and cleaning, though. It feels, for some reason, like it's been harder, longer work than last summer, and I didn't feel the need to document that for all of you. If you want to get a really good impression of Camp Wawona, read my posts from last year and look at the pretty pictures on the site from that time, too. I really love the camp, but I feel that taking many more pictures of it would be redundant.
My work here has been punctuated, of course, by the occasional visit from friends or a family member or two. That always really brightened up my week. Also, the odd visit into town (Oakhurst) is very nice, and the staff here have taken a liking to a local Mexican restaurant which I wish I could remember the name of now, because I'd really recommend it to anyone on their way into Yosemite. Great atmosphere, delicious food.
Otherwise, my off time is filled with finding cell service here to call home or crocheting. I've discovered a certain fondness for crocheting in myself I didn't know I possessed. It's kind of soothing, just sitting there making scarves while watching a movie. . . and the lengths of these scarves reveal the amount of time on my hands. Too exhausted from a day's work to do much else with it.
Particularly days like this last weekend, when the camp was packed out with a gigantic Naga View reunion. The banquet on Saturday night was the most elaborate we'd ever done, and quite exhausting. Still recovering from that, though there was something wonderfully familiar about punch tables and table skirts--I actually used to enjoy doing that sort of thing for my parents.
Anyways, I'm out of here on Friday morning, to another adventure in Southern California where I will see a good deal of my family and we will celebrate my father and I's birthdays. I can hardly wait, as it's been so long since I've spent some decent time with my family, and I've gotten a little homesick here. Okay, a lot homesick. It'll only be worse when I'm in Spain, so I'll just deal with it--in the meantime, I hope that life is treating all of you well, and that you are enjoying life to the fullest.