Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Jillian's Journeys Blog

The end of my journey at Camp Wawona was the beginning of another journey back home--of working at the school for my beloved parents, of saying good-bye to friends as they go to college in far-off places, of cleaning up my house for a party celebrating the birthdays of my father, my great-grandmother, and myself. It amused me to read invitations from Camp Wawona staff inviting me to three different parties that night, none of which I could attend as I was hosting my own. The thought was deeply appreciated however, and I, too, wish to stay connected with the staff.

So, I make an invitation of my own. A little over a year ago, a small group of friends of mine who were frustrated at not being able to reach me on my trips demanded that I send out some sort of update to keep them informed. The resulting email newsletter, Jillian's Journeys, blossomed into a much bigger monster than they or I had ever anticipated, now reaching over 100 subscribers and occupying its own web page, jilliansjourneys.blogspot.com. Those of you who have subscribed for some time might want to check out the web page, as it contains photos and archives of past issues you may have missed. Wawona staff, if you go there, you'll find a written record of just about the entire summer there, plus photos of yourselves and the camp.

If you have never received one of these before, just email me back and I'll add you to the list. Likewise, I always love hearing news of what's going on with everyone else, especially those I don't see very often (Romanian subscribers, I'd love to hear from you, please; it's been a few months). Obviously, I don't expect replies from everyone all the time (it would be incredibly difficult to keep up with), but the occasional general news is appreciated. Pastor Elden, I've really enjoyed your daily devotional thoughts, and I actually look forward to them when I go to check my email.

Maternal relatives, thanks for coming to the party two nights ago; I hope you had a good time. Your gifts will definitely make living in Graf Hall at PUC a more comfortable experience. For those of you who didn't stay for the slide show, you can find many of the same pictures at the aforementioned blog if you're interested, under the July section of the archives.

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